Who We Are
Torchlight Writers Community is a volunteer-run organization dedicated to encouraging writers.
Like many other groups, TWC has a bit of an eclectic history. Many of us initially connected as adolescents through a shared, online space for young writers. After congregating in this metaphorical lost-and-found-bin, we came together, developed a sense of belonging, and then accidentally grew up. (Oops.)
In the decade or so since the formation of these friendships, we’ve grown to appreciate the community and purpose found in working together, however we can. This is a fancy way of saying that while the memes, messaging, and the occasional Discord call are wonderful, we realized true reunion and poking each other in the shoulder once or twice a year seem to be helpful for keeping the writing gloomies at bay.
This got us to thinking: Why not organize a meet-up of our own?
Chelsea B.
Event Coordinator. Administrative Point of Contact.
Chelsea has coordinated with both community members and event facilitators on every level to help bring the retreat to life.
Katie Vincent
Event Coordinator.
Web Wizard.
Katie is 25 and a graduate of K-State’s English M.A. program, where she researched writing as a communal practice. She’s taught, tutored, edited, studied, and struggled with writing for years, but there’s nothing else that she loves to do more.
Katie’s genres of choice are fantasy, fairytales, and science-fiction.
While planning, she’s handled research, programming coordination, online presence concerns, and remembering to worry about adult things like insurance. If something’s not working on this website, it is 1000% her fault. Apologies.
Sara McClaran
Event Coordinator.
Motivational Fountain.
Wearer of Many Hats.
I am an aspiring author, artist, and college student, whose favorite things to do include singing, reading, and generally being a geek. I’m a Junior studying Multimedia Journalism with a print news focus, and in my spare time I procrastinate doing the martial arts and the writing that I really ought to be doing more of. Please talk to me about Doctor Who, or the Mandalorians, or Martial Arts, as those are most likely to draw me out of my introvert barricades.
Jessica C.
Community Outreach Specialist.
Event Coordinator.
TWC Editor.
On top of event planning and development, Jessica helps with communications between the TWC team and the attendees.
Logan M.
TWC Copywriter.
Theme Consultant.
Logan helps as a brand designer, occasional copy writer, and theme developer in addition to helping plan the retreat.
Sayna L.
Graphic Designer.
Sayna is our resident graphic designer and theme development consultant.
You can contact us at torchlightwriters@gmail.com.