Torchlight Writing Retreat
Let’s get those words out.
- Attend sessions, round tables, and group discussions via livestream.
- Work in digital critique groups through Zoom and Discord.
- Find community from the comfort of home.
- Participation is free.
Thank you!
We’re seeking speakers for traditional talks, panels, or round tables.
If you have experience writing, editing, networking, or simply have something writing-related that you’d like to share, consider contacting our team, please contact our team with your idea.
All speakers will be asked to submit a slide deck or outline at least two weeks before the event.
Not all submissions will be accepted, but all are appreciated.
Registration Deadlines
To ensure a timely and smooth event, please keep the following dates in mind while planning your participation.
December 1st, 2021
Online Registration Deadline
Sign ups for digital attendance and the accompanying registration deposit are due by this date. Late sign ups may not be guaranteed a spot in critique groups.
December 1st, 2021
Volunteer Registration Deadline
Have an idea for a session, panel, or round table? Let us know!
(Please keep in mind that we are a team of volunteers ourselves. As such, we’ve had some tactical and staffing shifts while planning this retreat. You may have responded to an earlier google form or spoken with a member of our team about speaking at the retreat. But, if you have not yet been contacted to confirm or coordinate your volunteer role, we’d greatly appreciate it if you took the time to fill out the survey on this site. Thanks for understanding!)
December 2nd, 2021
Recommended Merchandising Order Deadline
Shirts and other fun goodies will be available through our Redbubble profile. If you’d like a shirt to mark your participation in this event, we recommend ordering by December 2nd to ensure a timely delivery before the retreat.