
share what you know.


Due to programming limitations, not all submissions may be accepted. That said, all of them are appreciated. 

Don’t let imposter syndrome get you down! If you have a cool idea for a session, panel, or round table talk, submit it below! Some ideas, to get your brain working: You could lead a guided writing exercise, or you could speak about marketing hacks, how to build a writing network, world building questions you’ve found helpful, characterization strategies, writing while exhausted, your personal writing journey, or anything you find fascinating, motivating, and/or helpful. The sky’s the limit. Truly.

Additional information: Traditional session volunteers will be asked to upload a video of their talk to a private, dedicated YouTube channel. (This will ensure that any connectivity issues are circumvented.)

Panelists may choose to pre-record their content or to give it live in a group call. In either case, they will be asked to be available on a group call to facilitate discussion and answer questions after the stream.
Please allow our team time to sort through submissions. A member of our team will contact you soon to thank you for your submission and/or to coordinate details as needed. Thanks!

Any sessions may be shared about on TCW platforms (this website, the discord, and any potential platforms), but we will coordinate with you if you’d like your presentation to be more private or limited to this specific retreat’s attendees.