Register Below After processing, you will receive an invitation code to the event’s Discord server. Digital Retreat Registration FormPlease enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastEmail *Invitation Password *At this time, this event is limited to a select group of invited individuals. If you have found this website through an official TWC post on a forum, facebook group, or similar space, the Invitation Password can be found on that post. If you're unable to locate the password, please contact one of the event coordinators or email (This is to ensure event security. Thanks!)What sort of writing will you be bringing to critique groups? (Please check all that apply). *Original FictionShort StoriesPoetryCreative NonfictionFanfictionOtherPlease mark your preference. *I would prefer to be in a critique group with other individuals who write in a variety of formats (poetry, fanfiction, creative nonfiction, etc.).I would prefer to be in a critique group with others who write strictly fiction novels or maybe fiction short stories.I'm open to either.(While group composition relies on attendance rates, we'll do our best to place you with a compatible group.)Please give a general description of the sort of writing you would like to bring. This will help us place you with a group that's excited to offer you feedback and encouragement! As comfort levels with elements like violence or other mature content vary, we ask that all attendees practice kindness and respect for others in selecting their writing excerpts for critique groups. (Think PG-13, if you'd like a firm boundary.) If you're not sure about your writing's content, please contact a member of the TWC team.Comments or QuestionsI would like to receive email updates regarding event announcementsSubmit